For all intents and purposes, there are two different kinds of roofers in Toronto: the ones that work on the roofs of commercial buildings and the ones that work on residential roofs. The difference between these two groups is quite vast. Let’s start with the building roofs. These roofers include the ones that install the felt paper over the roof of a commercial building and attach it to the underside of the building’s roof shingles. The felt paper acts as a protective layer against the weather, especially in windy or rainy climates, and also protects the people working underneath it from falling debris.

toronto roofers


At the same time, when it rains, the paper is easily punctured and can leak. The roofing shingles are a different story. In order to install these shingles, the roofers need to have some special equipment. This is where the role of the licensed Toronto roofers in Toronto comes in.


Roofing material is important when it comes to the installation and maintenance of the building’s roof. You may be thinking that you don’t need a roofing contractor if your building only has a single roof, but this is not always the case. In fact, some buildings may have more than one roof. Even if it only has a single roof, the roof needs to be repaired regularly in order to ensure that it doesn’t get damaged or leaking at an inconvenient moment. The last thing that you want is for a Toronto roofing company to come in to your building and find that your roof has rained recently, or worse yet, that there are some sections of the roof that has split. With a roof replacement, you will no longer have to worry about these kinds of problems, and you can focus instead on getting your building’s other components in perfect working condition.


When it comes to asphalt shingles, there are different types of materials that you can use such as felt paper and tar paper. Felt paper actually comes from shredded paper, and while it may sound good, it is a poor substitute for real asphalt shingles. Asphalt shingles are heavier than felt paper, which means that you will need a larger vehicle in order to carry it to your building’s roof. For these reasons and more, it is highly recommended that you use asphalt shingles, especially if you have an old building in Toronto.


Tar paper is also another type of material that are used for tar sheets, and it is typically cheaper than asphalt shingles. It is also less durable than felt paper, which is why a Toronto roofing company usually opts to use tar paper during roof decking repairs instead of felt paper. The only downside of using tar paper is that it is more susceptible to wear and tear than shingles, especially if you live in a humid climate. In addition, tar paper can tear easily after constant exposure to rain or snow, which makes its use as a replacement a bit impractical.


One more roofing material that is commonly used by Toronto roofers is asphalt shingles. These shingles are most commonly used for roofs in the southeastern part of the city, and they look like regular asphalt shingles in appearance. However, they have a more advanced tear point compared to felt paper, which is why you should avoid installing asphalt shingles on overhanging areas. This is because overhang can cause the blades of the shingles to get caught on the roof and cause premature roofing material wear and tear.


If you are planning to replace your roof decking, you should also consider the presence of rake edges and drip edge. Rake edges refers to the horizontal line that runs along the width of the opening of the shingle. The width of the opening determines how much rainwater will be able to flow through the opening. Meanwhile, the height of the drip edge refers to the distance between the topmost row of shingles and the lowest row of tiles. It is common for some people to install their roofing materials overhang on the left and right sides of the opening, while others prefer to install it on the left and right sides of the opening. What is important, however, is that the shingles have a rake edge that will prevent moisture from seeping into the spaces between the tiles.


Having a proper roof repair Toronto contractor will save you a lot of time and hassle when it comes to handling roof repairs. With this knowledge, you will now be able to decide whether or not you need to hire a new roofing contractor for your home improvement project. You may even be able to do it yourself. Just make sure that you consult your handyman or trusted friend about the proper procedure before starting your project.
